Friday, 12 April 2013

The hum of insects - GOOD OR WHAT?!!

Are there insects hanging around your locality? Do they creep you out?The most common human response towards insects is revulsion combined with fear. Is it possible that the very creatures that horrify and annoy us can ever seem pleasant?
Read on......

I recently read a delightful essay by Robert Lynd who speaks on the general view of humans towards insects... You guys must already be feeling bored and might want to close this page. I felt the same way when I read the introduction of this essay by someone else..but when they say "Don't judge a book by it's cover", they mean it!!
I felt it was yet another essay on how we should love nature, and yeah, all that is fine,... but HELLO, we're extremely busy and don't want a bunch of people who like wasting their time looking at large, rugged brown tree trunks and admiring them to advise us on how we should love our surroundings! 
But this essay came as a total surprise and I was taken aback.

It's a very humorous and fun essay which criticizes humans and insects alike. The approach towards a topic that would make people want to sleep is really unique and makes you want to read all of it once you've read the very first line. 
It is definitely a relatable essay which expresses how nature is capable of delighting us as well as irritating us, depending on the surroundings. 
It describes the earth as a 'partially civilized planet' which is quite true. We humans claim to be civilized but aren't we the ones doing the most uncivilized deeds among all the other living things? 

The writing is satirical and intelligent. It's humour makes it a wonderful read, but at the same time, it sticks to it's motive of enlightening us on how nature is a part of us, all we need to do is look at it in that way! (Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, see?)

The best thing about the author is that he realizes very well that we cannot always spend time in nature, all he wants us to do is appreciate the moments which we get to spend outside being a part of nature and enjoying it's various resources.

The essay makes us realize that every sound of nature reminds us 'selfish' humans about our childhood, about our innocence, and most importantly, about US. In the midst of our busy lives, it helps us relate nature to ourselves, as we are a part of life, a part of the uniqueness and the intricate beauty of life.
Think about it, a living human being has so many processes going about inside him/her. All these processes are intensively linked to each other and the mechanism of these 'flawless' processes make us wonder at the infinite wisdom behind our creation, it makes us 'intelligent' humans appreciate all the different and unique forms of life created without "OUR HELP", so we can't even take credit for it! And yet, we utilize all these resources, sometimes "exploit them" without any appreciation. And THAT'S SAD!

The essay is funny, realistic, relatable, emotional and TOTALLY READ-WORTHY!

You don't wanna skip it thinking it's too long, because it might just take five minutes ( very entertaining five minutes, to be more precise).

If you still aren't convinced, maybe you should read it and find out for yourself!
Honestly, if you don't read it, you would be deprived of some awesome-ness! 

So here we go..
 The hum of insects - Robert Lynd

Hope you like it! Do tell me how it was!!!!!
