Thursday, 20 June 2013

Determination- How to achieve it?

Determination ain't anyone's cup of tea, it can only be achieved by smart ones like me! (Hey, it rhymes!! Woo hoo, I'm a poet..See, THIS is determination,NOT!) 
Ok, now let's get down to business. How do I know what determination is and how to achieve it? My answer to that is : I learnt it the hard way. I failed once or twice, but that was when I wasn't trying. And trust me, It HURTS when you fail. I decided that I don't care anymore. I'm not going to try harder to achieve anything because it's not worth it! But then, (THANK GOD) I realised that I wasn't trying in the first place! What's wrong with us is that we think we're trying, but OUR TRY is worth nothing compared to people who actually achieve success! It takes sacrifices, troubles and tribulations to finally achieve success!
When I finally did realise, I tried to figure out how I could do it, because at that moment, it seemed impossible. So now, I'm going to share my method of achieving determination, so that those of you who haven't already achieved it or those who have given up know that they aren't the only ones!! Because once you fail, you feel as if you are stupid and lack everything those who could achieve it have. But that's not true. EVERYONE CAN DO IT! EVERYONE WHO IS DETERMINED ENOUGH! Yes, there are exceptionally talented people out
there who appear to do lots of things with ease, but may be there are a lot of things they aren't good at that you don't know about. Take for instance, ME!! I can do MOST things with ease(tee hee), but when it comes to drawing, a lot of people are better at it than me! And it's not because I can't do it! If I try, I KNOW I can, I just don't have enough time! And that's what matters. That you have enough confidence in yourself and KNOW that you can do it! 

So my tips on achieving determination are:

1)  Realise what you lack in. By this, I mean look at yourself and ask yourself whether you actually have it in you. If you don't, well, you can develop it.

2) Observe all those people who you think are great at what you want to be good at, find out what they do and then, see if you can inculcate a few of their habits in your life.

3) Think about what you are doing to achieve it, if you cannot find anything in yourself which proves that you are trying, NO PROBLEM, IT'S NEVER TOO LATE!

4) Make a list. Trust me, this is a great way to achieve determination. It gives you the starting point, and gives you an aim. While making that list, put in the stuff you want to improve in. You will notice yourself getting excited.

5) Think about how you can make time for it, such that you can do other stuff as well. You might want to add the amount of time in which you'd like to complete something in that list (mentioned in the previous point). If you do complete it, well and good. If you don't, you'd feel guilty which is a proof that you're on the way to success.

6) You need to reduce the time you take for other stuff, example: television, parties, etc. (Don't cut down all time, just as much as you possibly can, you can go slow in the first, and faster later)

7) Stick to your time limit. That's most important. Try not to delay your work. The amount of time in which a human being can concentrate the most is about 20-30 minutes from when they start. Give yourself a break after that much of time, maybe about 5-10 minutes. Relax.(This break can be seen as a reward for doing your work with perfect concentration before the break). You need to realize that you will have to go back to the work that you left off after your break. 

7) Reward yourself. Sit down and analyse how much you've done and then think about how you can reward yourself. This makes you think that it's not too difficult to go on the right way.

8) DON'T lose hope if you fail a few times, because all these failures will give you all the more happiness when you finally achieve your goal. Also, these failures make you even more impatient to achieve it. You might feel devastated for a few hours, but then, think rationally and analyse yourself. Nobody's perfect. You might make mistakes, but if you've been following the previous rules, then those mistakes will be far lesser than what you've started off with.

9) Believe in yourself. Believe that you can achieve it!

10) Whenever your confidence level goes low, think about how you would feel when :
     a) You achieve your goal
     b) When you don't achieve your goal
 After thinking about how it would be to achieve your goal, If you feel extremely excited and want to achieve your goal sincerely, YOU HAVE ACHIEVED DETERMINATION.
After thinking about how it would be if you could never achieve your goal, If you feel really annoyed and angry, if you feel like you desperately need to achieve your goal, THERE YOU GO!! 

11) NO ONE can hold on to the determination they achieve for too long. Disappointments, other work, everyday habits may come in the way. But if you feel as though you've lost that determination that you started off with, try to make a fresh start. Begin with writing down, making a list. Keep that list in hand. 

In my tips, I've also mentioned how to achieve your goal, not just how to achieve determination, BECAUSE GOAL AND DETERMNATION go hand in hand!

And once you've achieved determination, you don't ever need to fear losing confidence in yourself! Determination is something which gifts you a lot of good qualities along with achieving your goal.

I honestly hope it helped! If you have any questions, feel free to comment below or email us at :



  1. This was a very helpful read. Good job. I can't wait to start college with a whole different set of mind now :) Thanks.

    1. You're most welcome. This article is based on personal experience. So I know how it feels.

