Friday 28 June 2013

Summer Must-Haves - Part 3

Hello beautiful people, beasts & Aliens :D I hope you're all doing amazing with schools & colleges closing for the summer! In order to help you out, here's my take on the clothes you need to own this summer! So, get ready to hit the stores & upgrade your summer wardrobe! ;)

Lace Clothing
                                                        From skirts to tops to dresses, lace has invaded the clothing industry. I personally love lace, & feel that it is flirty, yet elegant; simple, yet gorgeous. Be it the beach, or a dinner party, or a brunch, or even a casual hangout, lace can be worn anywhere & everywhere. Lace for the summer - check please! 

Silk Blouse

From summer parties to lightweight work wear, a silk blouse makes you feel cool & look hot ;) I see no reason to not wear silk in the summer - it's drapery lines & loose fit won't constrict your body when it gets hot. Silk in the summer gets a resounding yes! It is perfect for any occasion, & requires minimal work to look fab! 

High-waisted Floral Skirt

I don't know what, but it could be versatility, that makes high waisted floral skirts so appealing! A high waisted floral skirt with some sandals is perfect for a day on the beach or out shopping with the girls; throw in some wedges or heels, & you're good to go for a casual date night! They hit the total spectrum for summer grunge to a sexy night out! So, what are you waiting for?! Grab your skirt today! 

Well, my lovelies, hope this has been helpful to you! What do you think are some of the clothes that are a Must-Have this summer? Let me know by leaving in a comment below! :)

~Allons-y Geronimo

Tuesday 25 June 2013

Why reading books based on episodes of TV series is a bad idea

Hello people of the world! Good to have you here!

Just yesterday, since I had nothing productive to do, and every single drop of blood in my body was pleading with me to read a book, I grabbed the book closest to me and began to read. Usually, I don't choose what to read, because the act of reading itself is highly pleasurable to me. It's not that I fail to find faults with books, I do, but I also make it a point to find a reason to complete a book. And usually, finding that one reason is not difficult, UNTIL......

I just decided to go ahead and read this book, although the cover looked too fancy and immature for my taste, but as they say, "Don't judge a book by its cover", I opened it. I remember that it was a Hannah Montana book ( I know, don't roll your eyes at me. Boredom led me to this offensive deed). I don't remember the name of the episode it was based on though, which is proof enough that I regret that half hour of my life that I wasted on the book.

Firstly, the book had medium-sized font and was about 50 pages, so you can make a wild guess about the amount of matter present in the book. What made it worse was that the whole book was basically a written update on the episode. You might as well have watched the episode which would have at the least managed to get a few laughs out of you. The book copied all the matter in the episode, not adding anything of its own, and hence, turning out to be highly vague and ineffective.

A good book, however small, should be relatable, have a wee bit of emotions, be descriptive and most importantly, be able to have an impact on the reader. This book did manage to have an impact on me, I was itching to throw it away. But I still kept reading, waiting for that one reason that would help me stop regretting reading this book. 

Coming to imagination, it had no scope for it because it practically dictated everything in the episode. The book is entirely made up of dialogues, with very little to describe the scene or the character of the people involved. The reader should be able to imagine the scene live, right in front of his/her eyes, but here, only dialogues were mentioned, trying to get you to laugh, but failing miserably, because DUH, your imagination has gone for a toss and taken away your funny bone with it. 

Next, It kept changing scenes randomly, so the reader does not even have the time to connect with the character.

And without much of an explanation, it comes to the ending scene, the scene where the message comes out. I vaguely remember that the whole point of the book was to bring forward a message, that" looks do not matter". Now, if the message was addressed with efficiency, the time wasted on the book would probably be worth it, but here's the spoiler, IT'S NOT. The process of getting to the highly awaited message was so random, that the message itself feels meaningless. 

And you have to admit, sheepishly, that a written play would have been far better than this piece of literature, because there, at least the scene is described effectively, telling you where the props are kept and when someone coughs, so your imagination is taken care of.

To all the authors who are jobless enough to write a book based on a movie or TV series, please DON'T. You're wasting your talent and time, and getting into a fruitless war with us.

Oh God! -_- Give me a movie based on a book any day!


Sunday 23 June 2013

Summer Must-Haves - Part 2

Hello beautiful people, beasts & Aliens! :D Here's the second installment to my series, Summer Must-Haves, where I talk about things you MUST NOT miss out on this summer (the title's pretty descriptive, right?!!) This time, I'm going to write about the colors for summer!

I've personally decided to brighten up my wardrobe for the summer. I have already had a shopping spree, and bought many dresses, skirts.. (Let's save that for another article, shall we?! ) Anyway, so summer is all about liveliness and fun, right?! So, let your clothes speak for you this summer through bubbly & pretty colors! :)

Pastel Green
          If you don't already own this color, trust me, your wardrobe is crying out at your lack of understanding it's needs! 
       This beautiful color, according to me, screams out fun, bubbliness & pretti-ness (is that a word?) with just the right hint of elegance! In fact, my mom is CRAZZAAAY about this color! So, girls, you need to get this color in your wardrobe ASAP! 

Bubble Gum Pink
Okay, look at this color, & tell me you don't want it. Just tell me, girls, &
 I will  eat my hat!  I mean, this color deserves to be in your 
wardrobe. It's flirty, adorable & everything summer promises to be! 
And, don't we all want to let our inner girly out free?! Well, this color is definitely
a summer must have, if you ask me! 

Electric Blue
I'm sure everyone owns this color. If you don't, girlfriend, you're committing a fashion crime! I mean, every single brand, every single store includes this color in their summer collection! And, it rightfully belongs there! This vibrant color speaks of youth, beauty & elegance without over-doing it! The sheer simplicity yet gorgeousness of this color didn't let me walk away from it! So, you better run and get one for yourself, too! 

Some might criticise this color as being too bright, but, if you ask me, why not?! I mean, isn't summer meant to be all about bright colors? And trust me, girls, this color looks absolutely fantabulous once you wear it! Don't go for brighter shades, though. So, brighten up some lonely heart's day this summer with this beautiful color! 

I hope you all enjoyed this article! Hope it makes dressing up this summer for all those beach/pool side parties, dates, night outs or any other event a lot easier, but I know that's not possible, is it?! ;)
                          What, according to you all beauties, is a color that deserves the spotlight this summer?!  Don't forget to let me know by leaving in a comment below! :)

~Allons-y Geronimo

Saturday 22 June 2013

The complete guide to killing head lice

Hello wonderful people of the world! 

Well, there was this horrible problem that I faced about two years back, the problem of lice. No matter how hard I tried, I could not get rid of them. I felt disgustingly unclean and unhygienic. And that's what led me to finding out different methods of getting rid of head lice. And since I am an extremely kind and helpful person :P , I'd like to share them with you.

So here we go.

1) Applying Mayonnaise on your head. 
Mayonnaise has high viscosity and hence, leaves very few pores from which the lice can actually  escape making it an effective material for getting rid of lice. The trick is to part your hair and make sure that you apply the mayo on every single strand. Then, wrap your head with a plastic wrap tightly, so as to prevent air from entering the wrap. Leave it on for 2 hours, and then wash your head with warm water. Now here's the catch. Mayo is not easily removed. It sticks to your head like glue, so if you have thick hair, then you need to apply oil or a conditioner and rinse your hair. Repeat the process till the mayo is completely removed. DO NOT USE SHAMPOO to get the mayo off, because it cooks the eggs and makes them hard to remove. If you do not want to use harsh chemicals on your head, you must give this a try. 

2) Vinegar.
It's a very good method to get rid of lice. The vinegar needs to be diluted and used with caution, since it can damage the scalp. Drench every part of your scalp with a  mixture of a cup of vinegar with a cup of mineral oil. Use a shower cap to cover your head overnight. Shampoo your head in the morning. Use a nit comb to remove the lice. You can also mix 1 cup of vinegar with 1 cup of water. Drench your head with the mixture and rinse it with warm water. Use a lice comb to remove the lice. These processes need to be repeated ever night/day till the lice are gone. It is a tedious process, though.

3) Nit comb.
An effective method if you part your hair properly and make sure to comb it thoroughly. All you need to do is apply coconut oil all over your head and comb it with a nit comb. You need to repeat this process till you're sure that the lice have completely disappeared. This method is the best way to save your hair from chemical  damage while removing the lice. But, it a very tedious method, which requires a lot of time.

The next method is the one I stumbled across by chance. I was in that phase in which I loved straightening my head and did it everyday, not realizing that it helped me in more ways than one.

4) Straightening/ Curling. This should only be done by people who have thick hair, and do not fear hair loss. If you are in the habit of straightening your hair, you will know that it damages your hair. Even if you do straighten your hair to kill the lice, make sure to oil it regularly, to reduce the damage. The trick is to know how to straighten your hair properly.The heat from the straightener kills the eggs and the lice. All you need to do after you straighten your hair is get rid of the dead lice with a nit comb. Also, shampoo your hair well. 

Although I'm aware of the fact that straightening damages the hair, I still consider this the best way because:  It's an  easy method, makes me look pretty :P and helps to get rid of the pesky lice in no time. If done effectively, it takes only three sessions of straightening to clean your head.

I really hope this helps, because lice damages your scalp, increases hair loss and makes you feel bad about yourself.  So go ahead and kill them before they declare war on your head.

Stay pretty   :) 


Friday 21 June 2013

Summer Must-Haves - Part 1

Hello beautiful people, beasts & Aliens! :D As this is my first blog (YAYIIEEE!! :D ), I thought I should do something different. So, I've decided to write a series, over a few days, about a number of things you must own for this summer. 
                         Today, I'll mention some make-up products you have to own! Hope you all like, no love it :)

The Urban Decay Naked Palette

If you're a make-up lover, like me, you've definitely at least heard of this palette. This beauty is a must have, & as it wasn't available where I live until recently, I had mine shipped to me! It is the most versatile palette I have come across, comprising 12 gorgeous neutrals, . From natural to chic to classy to party to sultry, you can use this palette to create any look! In fact, I used this palette for every event of my brother's wedding, and the results were amazing! The brush along with is really good, too & can be used for many different application techniques. Icing on the cake, it comes with an amazing lip gloss too! It's a li'l expensive, but definitely worth it!! For all those beach-side parties, night out with the girls, night clubs, datenights & any other event this summer, this baby is your saviour! :D

Bourjois Paris "Cheeky Series"

It's not actually a series, but they are best together. Okay, I'll admit it, that's the worst name I could've come up with, but these 3 products are too good to miss out on! The bronzer is of a beautiful shade of chocolate-y brown with the slightest shimmer in it & is a must have for the summer, suitable for any skin tone! (Mind you. It smells & looks like chocolate, too :P ) The pretty pink blusher is perfect for that natural rosy cheek color we all want, but I'd recommend it for fair to medium skin tones. And last, but definitely not the least, the highlighter can be used for the brow bones, nose, forehead and any other highpoint of the face. Combine all three and you have the perfect look for any occasion!  You can use them individually, too. They're very lightweight & hardly noticeable. Wait.. There's more! They may look less in quantity, but they last for very long! I've been using mine for almost a year now, but they're not over even halfway yet! I'm sure you'll love them, & will be absolutely perfect for all those plans this summer!

                               So, girls, if a make-up shopping day is coming up (IK I have one right around the corner ;) ), You better check out the above mentioned products! 

            What are some of the make-up items not to be missed out on this summer, according to you? Don't forget to let me know by leaving in a comment below! :)

*DISCLAIMER: This is not an advertisement for any product*

~Allons-y Geronimo

Thursday 20 June 2013

Determination- How to achieve it?

Determination ain't anyone's cup of tea, it can only be achieved by smart ones like me! (Hey, it rhymes!! Woo hoo, I'm a poet..See, THIS is determination,NOT!) 
Ok, now let's get down to business. How do I know what determination is and how to achieve it? My answer to that is : I learnt it the hard way. I failed once or twice, but that was when I wasn't trying. And trust me, It HURTS when you fail. I decided that I don't care anymore. I'm not going to try harder to achieve anything because it's not worth it! But then, (THANK GOD) I realised that I wasn't trying in the first place! What's wrong with us is that we think we're trying, but OUR TRY is worth nothing compared to people who actually achieve success! It takes sacrifices, troubles and tribulations to finally achieve success!
When I finally did realise, I tried to figure out how I could do it, because at that moment, it seemed impossible. So now, I'm going to share my method of achieving determination, so that those of you who haven't already achieved it or those who have given up know that they aren't the only ones!! Because once you fail, you feel as if you are stupid and lack everything those who could achieve it have. But that's not true. EVERYONE CAN DO IT! EVERYONE WHO IS DETERMINED ENOUGH! Yes, there are exceptionally talented people out
there who appear to do lots of things with ease, but may be there are a lot of things they aren't good at that you don't know about. Take for instance, ME!! I can do MOST things with ease(tee hee), but when it comes to drawing, a lot of people are better at it than me! And it's not because I can't do it! If I try, I KNOW I can, I just don't have enough time! And that's what matters. That you have enough confidence in yourself and KNOW that you can do it! 

So my tips on achieving determination are:

1)  Realise what you lack in. By this, I mean look at yourself and ask yourself whether you actually have it in you. If you don't, well, you can develop it.

2) Observe all those people who you think are great at what you want to be good at, find out what they do and then, see if you can inculcate a few of their habits in your life.

3) Think about what you are doing to achieve it, if you cannot find anything in yourself which proves that you are trying, NO PROBLEM, IT'S NEVER TOO LATE!

4) Make a list. Trust me, this is a great way to achieve determination. It gives you the starting point, and gives you an aim. While making that list, put in the stuff you want to improve in. You will notice yourself getting excited.

5) Think about how you can make time for it, such that you can do other stuff as well. You might want to add the amount of time in which you'd like to complete something in that list (mentioned in the previous point). If you do complete it, well and good. If you don't, you'd feel guilty which is a proof that you're on the way to success.

6) You need to reduce the time you take for other stuff, example: television, parties, etc. (Don't cut down all time, just as much as you possibly can, you can go slow in the first, and faster later)

7) Stick to your time limit. That's most important. Try not to delay your work. The amount of time in which a human being can concentrate the most is about 20-30 minutes from when they start. Give yourself a break after that much of time, maybe about 5-10 minutes. Relax.(This break can be seen as a reward for doing your work with perfect concentration before the break). You need to realize that you will have to go back to the work that you left off after your break. 

7) Reward yourself. Sit down and analyse how much you've done and then think about how you can reward yourself. This makes you think that it's not too difficult to go on the right way.

8) DON'T lose hope if you fail a few times, because all these failures will give you all the more happiness when you finally achieve your goal. Also, these failures make you even more impatient to achieve it. You might feel devastated for a few hours, but then, think rationally and analyse yourself. Nobody's perfect. You might make mistakes, but if you've been following the previous rules, then those mistakes will be far lesser than what you've started off with.

9) Believe in yourself. Believe that you can achieve it!

10) Whenever your confidence level goes low, think about how you would feel when :
     a) You achieve your goal
     b) When you don't achieve your goal
 After thinking about how it would be to achieve your goal, If you feel extremely excited and want to achieve your goal sincerely, YOU HAVE ACHIEVED DETERMINATION.
After thinking about how it would be if you could never achieve your goal, If you feel really annoyed and angry, if you feel like you desperately need to achieve your goal, THERE YOU GO!! 

11) NO ONE can hold on to the determination they achieve for too long. Disappointments, other work, everyday habits may come in the way. But if you feel as though you've lost that determination that you started off with, try to make a fresh start. Begin with writing down, making a list. Keep that list in hand. 

In my tips, I've also mentioned how to achieve your goal, not just how to achieve determination, BECAUSE GOAL AND DETERMNATION go hand in hand!

And once you've achieved determination, you don't ever need to fear losing confidence in yourself! Determination is something which gifts you a lot of good qualities along with achieving your goal.

I honestly hope it helped! If you have any questions, feel free to comment below or email us at :