Saturday, 22 June 2013

The complete guide to killing head lice

Hello wonderful people of the world! 

Well, there was this horrible problem that I faced about two years back, the problem of lice. No matter how hard I tried, I could not get rid of them. I felt disgustingly unclean and unhygienic. And that's what led me to finding out different methods of getting rid of head lice. And since I am an extremely kind and helpful person :P , I'd like to share them with you.

So here we go.

1) Applying Mayonnaise on your head. 
Mayonnaise has high viscosity and hence, leaves very few pores from which the lice can actually  escape making it an effective material for getting rid of lice. The trick is to part your hair and make sure that you apply the mayo on every single strand. Then, wrap your head with a plastic wrap tightly, so as to prevent air from entering the wrap. Leave it on for 2 hours, and then wash your head with warm water. Now here's the catch. Mayo is not easily removed. It sticks to your head like glue, so if you have thick hair, then you need to apply oil or a conditioner and rinse your hair. Repeat the process till the mayo is completely removed. DO NOT USE SHAMPOO to get the mayo off, because it cooks the eggs and makes them hard to remove. If you do not want to use harsh chemicals on your head, you must give this a try. 

2) Vinegar.
It's a very good method to get rid of lice. The vinegar needs to be diluted and used with caution, since it can damage the scalp. Drench every part of your scalp with a  mixture of a cup of vinegar with a cup of mineral oil. Use a shower cap to cover your head overnight. Shampoo your head in the morning. Use a nit comb to remove the lice. You can also mix 1 cup of vinegar with 1 cup of water. Drench your head with the mixture and rinse it with warm water. Use a lice comb to remove the lice. These processes need to be repeated ever night/day till the lice are gone. It is a tedious process, though.

3) Nit comb.
An effective method if you part your hair properly and make sure to comb it thoroughly. All you need to do is apply coconut oil all over your head and comb it with a nit comb. You need to repeat this process till you're sure that the lice have completely disappeared. This method is the best way to save your hair from chemical  damage while removing the lice. But, it a very tedious method, which requires a lot of time.

The next method is the one I stumbled across by chance. I was in that phase in which I loved straightening my head and did it everyday, not realizing that it helped me in more ways than one.

4) Straightening/ Curling. This should only be done by people who have thick hair, and do not fear hair loss. If you are in the habit of straightening your hair, you will know that it damages your hair. Even if you do straighten your hair to kill the lice, make sure to oil it regularly, to reduce the damage. The trick is to know how to straighten your hair properly.The heat from the straightener kills the eggs and the lice. All you need to do after you straighten your hair is get rid of the dead lice with a nit comb. Also, shampoo your hair well. 

Although I'm aware of the fact that straightening damages the hair, I still consider this the best way because:  It's an  easy method, makes me look pretty :P and helps to get rid of the pesky lice in no time. If done effectively, it takes only three sessions of straightening to clean your head.

I really hope this helps, because lice damages your scalp, increases hair loss and makes you feel bad about yourself.  So go ahead and kill them before they declare war on your head.

Stay pretty   :) 



  1. Gonna try the heat now.:D Thanks for the tips :)

    1. You're welcome.
      Glad it helped.

